A spring hangs vertically. A 250 g mass is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. The spring stretches 8 cm as the mass comes t


A spring hangs vertically. A 250 g mass is attached to the spring and allowed to come to rest. The spring stretches 8 cm as the mass comes to rest. What is the spring constant of the spring

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Thông Đạt 3 years 2021-08-16T22:40:25+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    spring constant = 31.25N/m


    spring constant = force/extension

    mass = 250g = 0.25kg

    extension = 8cm = 0.08m

    force = mg = 0.25 x 10 = 2.5N

    spring constant = 2.5/0.08 = 31.25N/m

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