Kamden is a mind-reading alien. He had each friend draw and look at a card, then he guessed whether the card had a star on it. The two


Kamden is a mind-reading alien. He had each friend draw and look at a card, then he guessed whether the card had a star on it.
The two-way frequency table below shows data on guess and true status of the cards the friends drew.
Complete the following two-way table of column relative frequencies.
(If necessary, round your answers to the nearest hundredth.)
Kamden guessed a star Kamden guessed not a star
Card had a star 444 222
Card didn’t have a star 111 752752752
Kamden guessed a star Kamden guessed not a star
Card had a star
Card didn’t have a star
Column total 1.001.001, point, 00 1.001.00

in progress 0
Hồng Cúc 3 years 2021-09-03T18:45:30+00:00 2 Answers 1 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:



    There are 2 different questions that are similar to this one.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    If yours is asking for the column:

    Card had a star                        4/5 = 0.80           2/754 = 0.00

    Card didn’t have a star            1/5 = 0.20            753/754 = 1.00

    Column total                            5/5 = 1.00             754/754 = 1.00

    if it’s asking for row:                                                                        Row total

    Card had a star                      4/6 = 0.67           2/6 = 0.33             6/6 = 1.00

    Card didn’t have a star        1/753 = 0.00       753/754 = 1.00    754/754 = 1.00

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