The usefull of good night wishes, the meaningful and romantic message line, the wishes to express the feelings of the couples are not something strange, you can completely create yourself make good and attractive wishes as well as leave the best impression for readers.

Good night wishes for lovers, friends, good night messages in Japanese, Korean, English, French
How important is sleep to health?
Sleep takes about 1/3 of the life time of each person. Therefore, no one can deny importance of sleep . Sleep is a part of everyday life, a part of your body.
However, there are some people who are out of work or indulging in sleep, and if they go on for a long time, they will lead to sleep-related illnesses. sleep like insomnia, trouble sleeping …
Benefits of sleep to health, development
If you have a good sleep, you can definitely feel its quality. Feel that your body wakes up every morning, you feel full of vitality and don’t have to be sleepy and sleepy in the afternoon, which means that you had a good night’s sleep last night.

If you have a good sleep, you can certainly feel its quality.
- Important sleep with skin
Growth hormones in the body are more secreted when sleeping. While you sleep deeply, toxins and skin waste are also released while absorbing nutrients when you use lotion. Deep sleep will give you a beautiful skin that has been smoothed out overnight.
Therefore, night sleep time is the ideal time for your skin to absorb nutrients. Using skin care products at night will be very effective and you can quickly feel the change of skin the next morning. So, make yourself a good sleep to have a beautiful skin.
- Important sleep for health and work
Health is an invaluable asset of every human being. When you do not get enough sleep, for a long time will cause negative symptoms to the body.
The spirit and body become sluggish and lifeless. Health is threatened and can form other diseases for the body and make the disease worse. Poor health will negatively affect the quality of your work.
Sleep works to regulate activities in the body and support curing other diseases. Good sleep is often the premise and catalyst for your health better. A healthy body will work better, be more positive and contribute more.
- Sleep is important for body development
Sleep affects the development of the body a lot. Lack of sleep makes the body slow to develop in both height, fitness and intellect, especially in children. So you need to make sure your child has the most reasonable and scientific sleep time possible. Let your child get the best opportunity to develop.

Sleep affects the body’s growth a lot.
- Sleep affects weight
One point to note is that when you do not get enough sleep, causing a lack of sleep, the body will automatically increase the amount of cortisol stimulant in the blood. This hormone increases the activity of a fat-producing enzyme, thereby causing body weight gain.
Especially for women who want a balanced body, it is important to take the best care of your sleep. Excess fat accumulates not only aesthetics but also health and forms a number of other pathologies that are not worth it.
The body’s mechanism of eliminating toxins while we are sleeping
– From 21h – 23h is the time when the immune system (lymphocytes) is toxic (toxic waste), at this time static or listen to relaxing music.
– From 23h – 1am is the time of liver poisoning, it should be done while sleeping.
– From 1am – 3am is the time of poisoning of bile, also need to be done during sleep.
– From 3pm – 5am is the pulmonary poisoning time. This is also the reason why people who are sick with coughing are coughing violently at this time, because poisoning has run to the lungs. Therefore, anti-cough medicines should not be used to avoid obstructing the elimination of residues in humans at this time.
– From 5h – 7h is the time when the large intestine is poisoned, so it is necessary to use the toilet at this time.
– From 7:00 – 9:00 is when the small intestine absorbs the most nutrients, so it needs breakfast.
A. Messages good night for good lovers, girlfriends and romantic
Smell messages to start a sleep after a hard working day have a great impact on your love. Why don’t you choose a good night message to a romantic lover to wish your lover good night.
Romantic good night wishes seem to be a string weapon to nurture and tighten the feelings of two people. The following article introduces you to a very good night message for your lover.

Good night messages for good lovers and girlfriends and romantic
You can send SMS that wish good morning as well as good night SMS messages with available characters as well as unique wishes.>
Depending on the subject of the message for your lover or for your friends, you can choose SMS to wish the morning or good night with the content to best suit . Please refer to the details of the good night SMS below.
– Speaker … speaker … speaker … According to the meteorological forecasting center, the weather is very cold tonight! phone number 090xxxxxxx gives a little warm, so much love to the person reading this message! ^^
– ☆ Lucky star ☆
I wish I was with you now, hug me tightly instead of saying this: “Good night!”
– The one you love has only one. The person he remembers only one. The one you love has only one. The only person he wants to live with is one. That is you – my beautiful lover.
Good night !!!
– This child, do you know the meaning of number 381? Let me tell you:
8x3x1 = 24, 24 hours you think about me
8 + 3 + 1 = 12, 12 months you remember me
8-3-1 = 4, 4 seasons you love me
(8 + 1): 3 = 3, 3 days I love you: yesterday, today and tomorrow
3 from 8 words 1 meaning: I LOVE YOU
– Some people say it’s hard to remember, others say it’s hard to forget. So remember not to forget me and don’t forget to remember me even in your dreams! Wish your bear a good night’s sleep and dream about our romantic love! Kiss you …
– I wish you a good night’s sleep! Keep the new day warm and warm.
– I don’t know what to text for you tonight! I only know now that I miss you, I miss a lot, although this place is rainy and very cold, I just hope you have a nice warm sleep in your happy dreams!
– The river may run out of mountains, but it may never change. I wish you a good sleep, honey!
– Europe sleeps, Asia is also sleeping, America is darkening, only the most beautiful eyes in the world are reading his messages. Wish your love to sleep well and dream about you!
– Darling ah, it’s time to go to bed. Remember, don’t stay up late watching movies, so keep going to school tomorrow! I love you. Wish your good kid to sleep well na!
– I can’t text you tonight! I only know now that I miss you so much, although this place is rainy and very cold, I just hope you have a nice warm sleep in your pink dreams, okay!
– It’s late at night I … don’t worry about going to sleep … Still sitting there reading the message ^^! (If she answered, she would have to eat another sentence “eh … so she still hasn’t been sleeping yet” … ^^)
– Thousands of stars in heaven. Combined into 4 words “He tricked love”. World of millions of love. How do you get along with me? I wish you good night and remember not to commit 4 words on it! (◕‿◕) ․ ☆ ¨´` ’* ° ☆ .Good Night. ☆ ¨´`’ * ° ☆
– Do you know good night is an art and a good night sleeper is an artist. But the good night was a lovely lover. Wish a lovely little girl to sleep well!
– Good night … I have a person who always cares and remembers me.
– I know 3.7 million people are sleeping right now, 2.3 million are in love, 4.1 million are eating. And only one person in this world is reading your message. Good night, panda.
– After a tiring day, promise me I will forget all the troubles. Just keep the sweet things to sleep. Good night!
– Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sky has a moon or something, as long as my heart is sincere, sweet dreams will always be beside you. Good night !!
– But the star is off, Ms. Hang opened her eyes. Hug once more, smile again, kiss again, kiss twice again. It’s time to go to bed, aim at @@ me, sleep well !!
– Good night and a nice dream of a little princess. The stars that sparkle in the sky will watch for a good night’s sleep and the mysterious lights in the sky tonight will bring you into a beautiful dream. I and I love many
– Me! have you slept yet Baby, it is too cold ! Is your warm pillow still warm? Maybe not as warm as my love for you …… ..Love and miss you so much. Good night!
– I text you … just wanna wish me a good night … Please sleep well on me … no, I will lose my VND 400 text message.
– It’s so cold, I can’t sleep, I miss you a message is also a crime. Sleep well, cover it with tight blankets to keep it cold.
– MS1: Can you do me a favor? SMS2: The first thing: sleep so well tonight, wake up tomorrow with a smile on your lips because I always want you to be happy. Wish you good night
– He must be sleeping well. People cannot sleep. Remember that too. Looking forward to morning to meet you too. Hix. Miss U. Good stuff!
– Good night and dream of the best dreams. . . and a new day will come to you in joy and happiness. love you the most in life ^^
– Stop sleeping! I wish you good night, nightmare, hihi! In nightmares I am an evil personality! torturing a sinner is you! Hiiii
– The day is gone, it’s time to go to sleep
The moon is up.
I’m here to wish you a good night !!!
Good night, you panda is adorable !!!!
– I’m the reason why I can’t sleep at night
You are the reason you hugged your pillow at night
And I’m also the reason why I can’t sleep without saying “wish me good night”
Sleep well … …
– I am looking out the window thinking about the person I care about most and who is in my mind. It’s you! So I just want to wish you a good night!
– There is someone: Remember me, Need me, Worry for me, Lonely without me, Who do you know? The monkey in …. Zoo. G9
– Hello! You are on an airline flight “Sweet Dreams – Sweet Dreams”. Stay well on the bed, hold the teddy bear, close your eyes because in about 5 minutes the flight will begin to depart. Enjoy this wonderful time tonight!
– Do you know that I will be summoned to the court for entering my dream, stealing my heart, and taking away all emotions in me. The court will declare the sentence “You are sentenced to life with me forever”. Do you have any excuse? Good night and wake up tomorrow to answer me!
– If you need someone to share with you and be sad at the same time, call me. That’s the switchboard just for you! Now, put the blanket on and sleep well!
– Do you know good night is an art and a good night sleeper is an artist. But the good night was a lovely lover. Wish a lovely little girl to sleep well!
– Wish your idiot good night and dream of the best dreams and a new day will come to you in joy and happiness. I love you so much!
– Good night! Remember that one person always cares and remembers me!
– In this cold night, in this small room, he looked up at the bright stars in the dark sky and dreamed of a sweet and sweet smile on his face. my pretty Good night!
Good night SMS gives Crush or cool, meaning
– Bright stars, twinkling stars but I’m the only star you see today. I want to be “old” bodyguard standing watch for my dreams tonight. Good night!
– Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sky has a moon or something, as long as my heart is sincere, sweet dreams will always be beside you. Good night!
– Things I must remember when I go to sleep: 1 – Remember me; 2 – Thinking about you; 3- Hugging him; – 4- Love you; 5- Close your eyes and sleep now. Prepare to be my dream! Good night!
– There are 3 people who asked me today about you. I gave them a bit of information about me, hope they will find me as soon as possible. That is the three gods: Health, Luck and Love. Wish you good night and soon meet those 3 gods, lovely girl!
– During this busy day, don’t talk to me, I miss you so much, sympathize with me. I know I love you so much, right? Hj. Goodnight! Forever love you!
– I know you are the reason why I can’t sleep every night and I just sleep when I tell you: “Good night” Good night baby!
– The river may run out of mountains, but it may never change. I wish you a good sleep, honey!
– Bring all the joys of today to a good night’s sleep to dream of lots of happy dreams …
– Miss me! “Good night, don’t kick the blanket, it’s cold! I sleep here.
– I text you … .. just wanna wish me a good night …. Please sleep well on me! Love you so much!
– It’s going to be a day, please. I wonder if you’re the last person to text me? I texted to wish you a good night before I went to the new day even though I knew you stayed up very late.
– Good night, lovely girl! One of his days could not end without something to do. I will not be able to sleep without saying: “Wish me good night”
– In heaven there are 10 angels: 5 angels playing, 4 angels talking, an angel sleeping. The sleeping angel is me, I will go to breakfast tomorrow with you nhe ’!!!
– You are the last thing you think of before falling asleep and is the first thing that comes to mind when you wake up.
– Every day he wishes his dream will come true. Then he suddenly remembered that he was now with me.
– One day, we will no longer have to say goodbye, but we will only have good words to sleep every night.
– I put my hand on my heart, close my eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep well.
– I wish you were there to hug me tightly, instead of just sending love to me through these good wishes.
– The capacity of the night is to make the day seem to be brighter. – Stephen King
– Good night and good luck.
– May the angels protect you in your dreams and the cool breezes of the night are always cool. When it gets cold, hope the blankets keep warm in gentle sleep.
– Last day and night again. Today is over, put aside the past. Please embrace dreams long walks through the night. Tomorrow will come with a new light source.
– God’s instructions are small lights in the dark forest: Will not illuminate all at once, but only give you enough light to safely follow. . Good night!
– Night is when we dream about dreams and days when we turn them into reality. Please sleep well, to see your own dreams. Good night!
– Always end the day with positive thoughts. No matter how many hardships and hardships, tomorrow will always bring new and brighter opportunities.
Send good night wishes to your Parents and relatives
– Love is one of the purest emotions. I always dreamed of touching my heart every night. I have lost your heart.
– I never dream about you, because I can’t fall asleep while thinking about you.
– The best way to have a good night’s sleep is to work hard in the daytime. If you’ve worked hard, of course, good sleep will come to you
– At the end of the day, always keep the spirit of enthusiasm. Tomorrow will be a brighter new day.
– I’m so in love with the stars that I’m never afraid of the night before
– Before falling asleep, always be grateful for what I think will determine my dream right now.
Best 32 good night messages, meaning, humor to give a lover or Crush
– Naturally, I think I’m cold and I’m going to have bad dreams. So I wish I was a thick blanket to warm you, I wish I could be a white horse to take you to a castle and meet a prince.
When you wake up in the morning to read this message, please reply whether you are less cold or not, do you have a bad dream?

32 best night messages, meaning, humor for your lover or Crush
– Me! have you slept yet Baby, it is too cold ! Is your warm pillow still warm? Maybe not as warm as my love for you …… ..Love and miss you so much. Good night!
– I can’t text you tonight! I only know now that I neglected you so much, although it is rainy and very cold, but I just hope you have a good sleep & amp; warm in dreams … (dreamy! ^^)
– Wishing your little juicy sleep well for … .. the whole world is quiet ^^
– It’s late at night I … don’t worry about going to sleep …. Sitting there reading the message ^^! (If she answered, she would have to eat another sentence “eh … so she still hasn’t been sleeping yet” … ^^)
– I wish you a good night tonight nhju` nightmare …. And he will appear to run with me to escape
I am so bad at the day … .. bad dzã man … but when I slept, I was very pretty and It was so juicy … .. sleep … good night … .Hjj
– I text you … .. just wanna wish me a good night …. Please sleep well on me! yo much.
– I wish you a good night … A peaceful and warm dream … .. I will try ju me …. Forever ju me (the message is valid for 7 days … because I just texted again the following week … this week, every night I just take it out and read it again … .. save the money of our two … Good Night) < /p>
– Do you have any reason why I need to sleep every night? because the …. That way we have … ..hjhj … see you in a dream … your angel
– Miss me! “Good night, don’t kick the blanket, it’s cold! You sleep here
– It’s so cold, I can’t sleep, I miss you a message is also a crime. Sleep well, cover it with tight blankets to keep it cold.
– I’m still sleeping now! I wanted to text you very early but I want you to be the last to wish me sleep !!! Please sleep well in my arms !!! I will warm my heart !!! Rest assured to be with you, no one dares to … !!!!! hehehe
– It’s 2am now. Have you slept yet, and now you are sleeping well, but suddenly you miss me so you have to get up and find a goat-goat for your device and text me, wish you good night even when 1h45 he wished. I wish you good night again, I sleep here
– He must be sleeping well. People cannot sleep. Remember that too. Looking forward to morning to meet you too. Hix. Miss U. Good stuff!
– It’s going to be a day, please. Don’t know if you’re the last person to text me? I texted to wish you a good night before I went to the new day even though I knew you stayed up very late
– Good night and dream of the best dreams. . . and a new day will come to you in joy and happiness. love you the most in life ^^ ”
– Sleep well on your little one, forever the best in life “.
– Stop sleeping! I wish you good night, nightmare, hihi! In nightmares I am an evil personality! torturing a sinner is you! hiiii
– Good night, many nightmares, in nightmares I will meet again and run away together.
– Go wash your face and go wash your feet! At bedtime, do not hesitate times. Her eyes were heavy and her lips were silent, so only wished the sweet and sweet night would bring pink dreams. Good night!
– Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sky has a moon or something, as long as my heart is sincere, sweet dreams will always be beside you. Good night !!
– In this wonderful night, he prayed for the blue moon to protect you, the fragrant wind blow away the troubles and the twinkling stars that lead the way I came to sweet dreams. Happy, baby!
– Things I must remember when I go to sleep: 1 – Remember me; 2 – Thinking about you; 3- Hugging him; – 4- Love you; 5- Close your eyes and sleep now. Prepare to be my dream! Good night!
– Lying on the bed and looking at the clock, he knows it’s time to go to bed. But I still wondered how I was today ?? Hope everything is fine. Wish you have sweet and delicious dreams.
– After a long day of fatigue, I have to promise you that I will always throw all my worries and worries before putting me on the bed, leaving only the things Sweet follow me to sleep!
– He must be sleeping well. People cannot sleep. Remember that too. Looking forward to morning to meet you too. Hix. Miss U. Good stuff!
– Bright stars, twinkling stars but I’m the only star you see today. He wanted to be “old” bodyguard standing watch for his dreams tonight. Good night!
– I am looking out the window thinking about the person I care about most and who is in my mind. It’s you! So I just want to wish you a good night !!
– But the star is off, Ms. Hang opened her eyes. Hug once more, smile again, kiss again, kiss twice again. It’s time to go to bed, aim at @@ me, sleep well !!
– Sleep Ngon Nha Wife Mai, Kiu Wife Hen Hen … the next day ck Will ju Wife More Humorous .moazzzzz.
– Bring all the joys of today to a good night’s sleep to dream of lots of happy dreams …
– Your subscription is currently being noticed by another beautiful subscriber. Please pay attention: Cover the blanket and sleep!
– The night is too close to the morning The bed is warm and soft wake up to see that life is completely horizontal
– I’m sorry you’re restricted to texting me today … Today, the doctor told me to limit myself to sweet things … sweet again number one. I’m risking my life with this message. Good night Honey!
– Hello! You are on an airline flight “Sweet Dreams – Sweet Dreams”. Stay well on the bed, hold the teddy bear tightly, close your eyes carefully because in about 5 minutes the flight will begin to depart. Enjoy this wonderful time tonight! ^^
– Going to the night to know a long night SLEEP knows the day longer than the night LETTER, try to sleep to sleep EVERY person with a soft pillow and a cushion of HUMAN though how many times Oh hammock wings gradually dreaming Wish the whole family good night !!!
– Do you know that I will be summoned to the court for entering my dream, stealing my heart, and taking away all emotions in me. The court will sentence “You were sentenced to life with you forever”. Do you have any excuse? Good night and wake up tomorrow to answer me!
– Today I met an angel, the angel asked what do you want? I beg you to take care of me. But the person said “No!” And he asked “Why?”. He said: “The angel cannot take care of another angel”. Good night my angel!
– Being up too late is an enemy of health and beauty, but even if you are as bad as a devil, I still want to tell you one sentence: Good night! Forever love you.
– On behalf of the global good night association, the committee for the good sleep of pandas. Head of sleep care department. The president of the association of good sleepers. Good night.
– Hands up! Pirates! Climb into bed! Lay! Close your eyes! Good night, baby! 11. Good baby, good night, it is already late, so that beautiful dreams will follow you, oh, oh…. Good night baby12. Hi the moon, my panda is going to sleep. Tell the sun to wake up a little late. Because you panda wants to rest more. Good night, panda.
h32 best night messages, meaning, humor for your lover or Crush
– Looking at the clock, I know it’s time to go to bed, he just texted to say “I wish you good night” even though you know I still haven’t sleep yet !!! Sleep well lovely girl !!!! 1
– I can’t text you tonight! I only know now that I miss you so much, although this place is rainy and very cold, I just hope you have a nice warm sleep in your pink dreams, okay!
– Thousands of stars in heaven. Combined into 4 words he specializes in cheating. World of millions of love. How do you get along with me? I wish you good sleep and remember not to make 4 words on it!
– Have a good night’s sleep! Big baby here. See you tomorrow morning!
– Give me a small gift called “Evening fun!” wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and glue with the prayers of I let you be happy and sleep well tonight.
B. Good night message and meaning that you should apply
Please send this to your friends these sweet and good messages. Let your friends see that they are being cared for and respected.
– Good night and have great dreams. A good night’s sleep forget the sadness of today so tomorrow will be a new day full of luck and full of joy!
– It’s cold tonight! Don’t know if your heating pillow is still warm? Anyway, I know that it won’t be as warm as my friendship with you. Gentlemen, very much. Sleep well!
– I have asked some angels to come and sleep for him, but they all refuse, you know what? They said angels can’t watch the angel so try to sleep well. Good night.
– Bring all the joys of today to a good night’s sleep to dream of lots of happy dreams!
– Hello! You are on an airline flight “Sweet Dreams – Sweet Dreams”. Stay well on the bed, hold the teddy bear tightly, close your eyes carefully because in about 5 minutes the flight will begin to depart. Enjoy this wonderful time tonight! ^^
hGood night friends and meaningful messages you should apply
– Lie down on the bed, close your eyes, go to sleep and don’t dream about me. Hehe ^^.
– He must be sleeping well. People cannot sleep. Remember that too. Looking forward to morning to meet you too. Hix. Miss U. Sleep well!
– Somewhere out there, under the silver moon, there is one person remembering you! Somewhere out there where dreams will come true. Good night!
– Wish my friends sleep well for the whole world to be okay.
– It’s late, dear, close your eyes and sleep well. Wish you have a warm sleep to wake up soon to see everything is great.
– The night has fallen, it’s time to go to sleep. The moon is dangling brightly in the sky, I am sitting on a good night message!
– Another day is about to pass. I wonder if I’m the last person to text him? Good night and dream of your prince!
– It’s late, good night. Miss you so much! See you tomorrow morning.
– There is someone: Remember you, Need you, Worry for you, Lonely without you. Who do you know? = & gt; Monkey in … Zoo. G9
– In heaven there are 10 angels: 5 angels playing, 4 angels talking and 1 angel reading this message … Good night angel!
– You know if I see the horoscope today! Horoscopes say you’re a tough girl and don’t expect to make her angry but I don’t believe it, my chickens are so gentle and cute.
– Hi Hang, my friend is going to sleep. Ask me to tell the sun, wake up a little late. Because you want to rest more. Good night!
– The river may be shallow, the mountain may be worn but the good night’s sleep never changes.
– You have just received a message from a sleepy person at sleepy and on a sleepy day with a very sleepy mood to say: Sleep sadly sleep very well.hjhj.
– Give you a small gift called “Good night !!” Packed with sincerity, tied with care and glue with my prayer so you can be happy and sleep well tonight.
– Wait. Don’t Sleep. Let me pray. Good night my friend, pray for your relaxation and tomorrow bring you peace, happiness and joy !!!!!
– Your subscriber who has just called on the outside is covered in blankets, suggesting you to cover your blanket, close your eyes and sleep well.
– Good night and have great dreams. A good night’s sleep forget the sadness of today so tomorrow will be a new day full of luck and full of joy!
– Bring all the joys of today to a good night’s sleep to dream of lots of happy dreams!
– Hello. This is a message switchboard. Press 1 to get a compliment. Key 2 for a good wishes. 3 key for 1 kiss. Key 4 receives good night wishes. If you want all, press my number.
– It’s late, don’t wake up anymore, it’s not good for girls to stay up all night, and guys don’t like girls getting up at night, sleep well, good night. /p>
– Another day ends. Wish your work tomorrow will be better today. Wish you have good sleep and dream beautiful dreams.
– Good night you have beautiful dreams. Wake up in the morning and feel better and have a good working day.
– Friendship is forever like a shining star in the sky. Although we are far from each other, I always know you are always around when you need you. Good night, love!
– Bring all the joys of today to a good night’s sleep to dream of a lot of good dreams …
– Another day passes, I feel great to have a friend like you. Thank you. Sleep well with beautiful dreams.
– Good night and have a nice dream. The stars twinkling in the sky will watch you sleep well and the mysterious lights in the sky tonight will bring you into a beautiful dream.
– An end date and I look forward to a new day, but true friendship is never ending, no matter what time period. Good sleep, my friend !!!!!!
C. Message good night horror, scary ghosts
You are looking for the best night messages to scare you at midnight to scare your friends and loved ones on Halloween holidays, so please refer to those The message threatens you to wish goodnight below.
Here are some of the most macabre horror messages, you can refer and choose to send messages to scare goodnight to everyone. on Halloween.
– I will reveal to you a heavenly secret, where you are lying where a girl who hangs a collar is still there and she is behind you .
– In the place where you are standing there has been a suicide case, not knowing who the hanged girl is, where the family is, why she died, only knowing that when she died, her eyes were still glaring, blood flowed across the floor and standing behind her.
– I’m on this window. Do you see me? Open the door for me to go home with you.
– I’m too cold, let me lie down together or I sleep at your feet, it’s okay to roar.
– Please turn off the lights and look in the mirror, you will find yourself in it, talk to me, don’t leave me, I’m sad and lonely .
– Call me at 12pm, when I can hear the phone and talk to you. And also, remember to burn me some money, clothes.
– 12 nights is when the ghost will appear. Now, go to the mirror, you will know what your next life will be like.
– I am sitting next to this friend, I am very cold, you can burn me some money …
D. Hiragana Japanese messages, good night wishes
Commonly used Japanese greetings such as お 休 み (oyasumi), oy や す み な さ い – oyasuminasai are considered the most popular wishes, with simple wishes This shows the seriousness as well as the interest and emotions associated with it.
The following Japanese good night wishes will help you choose the best wishes to use your loved ones.

Messages, good night wishes in hiragana Japanese
Good night and beautiful dreams in Japanese will be especially meaningful if you know Japanese or are learning Japanese. When you send a greeting in Japanese, he or she will realize that you are trying to grasp the person’s interests, creating a closer feeling.
Besides, practice with good Japanese wishes so you can memorize words and characters in Japanese more, which helps a lot for language learning. Your Japan.
Good night wishes お 休 み な さ い (oyasumi nasai) or お 休 み (oyasumi) are too simple and trivial. You can use super romantic greetings to send to your loved ones. Certainly good wishes will create more emotions!
1. Hair ろ そ ろ お ふ と ん に 入 る ね (sorosoro ofuton ni hairune)
This sentence also means good night but comes with a hint to remind the opponent to stop all other activities to go to sleep. This statement contains much more attention to wishes such as お 休 み な さ い and お 休 み. Literally this sentence will be translated as “prepared into the blanket”.
2. Y い 夢 み て ね (yoi yume mitene) or 良 い 夢見 よ う ね (yoi yume miruyoune)
Translating into Vietnamese will be: Dream beautiful dreams /wish (you, me, friend) have beautiful dreams. The second sentence you can understand means “Dream together a beautiful dream!”
3. Iko い 子 だ し 寝 る ね (iiko dashi nerune)
Translating into Vietnamese will be: Sleep like a good child /sleep well, baby.
This is a lovely greeting! Of course not at any time, anyone is the object to receive this wish.
You can also say otherwise い い 子 供 み た い 寝 る ね (ii kodomomitai nerune)
4. Ode た あ と で 夢 で 会 お う ぜ! (mata atode yumede aouze!)
Translating into Vietnamese will be: See you again (me, I) in the dream! /I meet in the dream!
Similar to い い 子 だ し 寝 る ね, this greeting is for lovers only! You can also include a good night message with romantic and romantic words to increase your level of intimacy!
Before sending such good night wishes, you can message and ask:
– 一日 に 何 時間 ぐ ら い ね て い ま す か (ichinichi ni nanjikan gurai neteimasuka).
This sentence means that one day you will sleep about a few hours?
– 寝 る 前 に ビ ー ル を 飲 む な。 (neru maeni biru wo nomuna)
This sentence is forbidden, meaning that beer is prohibited before you go.
Or if you are sleepy, you can end the conversation with the following sentences. Then you send goodnight!
– 私 は 寝 な い と。 (watashi ha nenaito) (I have to go to sleep)
P> ろ そ ろ お ふ と ん 入 る ね (Good night!)
– 私 は ち ょ っ と 疲 れ た で 、 早 く 寝 な い と。 (ashi watashi ha chotto tsukaretanode, hayaku nenaito)
I’m quite tired, I should go to bed early.
– ま た あ と で 夢 で 会 お う ぜ! (I meet each other in a dream!)
After waking up, don’t forget to send an extra message of interest!
– 昨日 の 晩 は い つ 寝 た の? (kino noban itsu netano)
When did you go to bed last night?
– わ た し は あ な た の 夢 見 見 し た よ よ wat (watashi ha anata no yume wo mimashita)
I dream to you.
– あ な た は 私 に 夢 を 見 さ せ て く れ る の ね。 (anata ha watashi ni yume wo misasetekureru none)
You make me dream about you.
1.あ な た の 顔 を 洗 っ て 足 を 洗 う! そ れ は 眠 る 時間 で す, 点 滅 し な い で く だ さ い. 彼女 の 目 は 重 く, 唇 は 静 か な の で, 夜 は 甘 く て 甘 く て 夢 の よ う に 見 え ま す. お や す み な さ い!
Wash your face and wash your feet! At bedtime, do not hesitate times. Her eyes were heavy and her lips were silent, so only wished the sweet and sweet night would bring pink dreams. Good night!
2.今夜 、 私 は あ な た と 私 の 心 の 中 で で に に ち る で で し ょ う う
Tonight, I will fall asleep with you in my heart.
3. P> は 落 ち て い た 、 れ れ 寝 る る だ っ た。 彼 に つ い て の 夢 と ブ ラ ン ケ ッ ト を カ バ ー! p>
The night has fallen, it’s time to go to sleep. Dream about me and cover the blanket tightly!
4. P> が 青 か 灰色 か 、 に 月 や 星 が あ る か う か に 関 わ わ ず 、 あ な た の 心 が 誠 実 で あ る 限 り 、 常 に 甘 い 夢 が あ な た と 一 緒 に あ あ り す。。 お や す み な さ い い!
Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sky has a moon or something, as long as my heart is sincere, sweet dreams will always be there you Good night!
5. P> な た は あ な た 最 も 気 遣 う 人 と あ た の 心 に い い 人 を 考 え て 窓 を 探 し て い ま す。 そ れ は 私 で す! だ か ら 私 は ち ち う ど ど あ た た が よ く 眠 り た い!!
I am looking out the window thinking about the person I care about most and who is in my mind. It’s you! So I just want to wish you a good night!
6.明 る い 星 、 星 は き ま す が 、 あ な た 私 が 今日 見 る る の 星 で す。 私 は 今夜 あ な た 夢 の の た め に 立 っ て い る る デ ィ ア ア ン ガ ー ド に な り た い。。 や や す み な さ さ い p>
Bright stars, twinkling stars but I’m the only star you see today. He wanted to be “old” bodyguard standing watch for his dreams tonight. Good night!
7. P> な た が ど こ に い て も 、 私 は い も あ な た の の の の に い ま す。 お や や み み な さ い!
No matter where you are, I’m still in your mind. Good night ..)
8.お や す み 、 私 の 王子 /小 さ な 王 女
Good night, my little prince /princess /em
9.日 私 は 昨日 よ り も あ な た を 愛 し い い ま。。 素 晴 し し い を を 取 る
Every day I love you more than yesterday. Wish you have a great sleep
10.る 日 、 た ぶ ん 私 は 眠 り に つ き あ な な の 隣 隣 目 を 覚 ま す で し し ょ う
Someday, maybe you will fall asleep and wake up next to me.
E. The most beautiful and meaningful good night wishes in Korean
The most commonly used Korean good night word is “잘자요” in Latin “jaljayo”. In Korean, the verb 자다 means sleeping, and 잘 means good, good … In different situations, Koreans will use different good night wishes.

The most beautiful and meaningful good night wishes in Korean
Korean also has the same characteristics as Japanese, the same situation but has many different expressions. Thanks, sorry or good night in Korean, there are many ways. A good sleep will give people a healthy, relaxed state to be ready to start work.
So, unfortunately, do not send good wishes in Korean to the people I love in many ways below.
1. Good night wishes show respect, politeness: 안녕히 주무 세요: /àn-nyong-hi-mu-sê-yê /
For older people, like grandparents, Korean parents often use a good night sentence “” 주무 세요 “
2. Good night greetings, friendly 잘자요 ./chàl-cha-y/
Koreans often use good night wishes at the same place in the room before going to bed, for example, in the same house, but not when going home or temporarily separate
1. 잘자 거라, 얘야: Good night, honey
2. 잘자. 좋은 꿈 꿔: Sleep well. Wish you many beautiful dreams.
3. 편안한 밤 되세요: Have a good night’s sleep.
4. 좋은 꿈 꿔요: Nice dream.
5. 잘 잤 어요? : Good sleep?
6. 매일 밤 편안 하게 잠 을 자고: Every night I sleep very well
F. The best and most meaningful English sleep wishes
Life is busy and busy making us tired after a day’s work. At times they make us feel lonely at night, so, whether near or far, a sweet good night can bring a warm feeling to our other half.

The best and most meaningful English sleep wishes
Have you ever felt that it’s good to have a good night’s sleep every day?
Why not try a change once by using the best English night greetings below to send to your loved ones? Let’s take a look at some of the best English night greetings below.
1. Good night, my little prince /princess.
2. Good night, sweet heart!
Good night for your pet!
3. You mean the limit, not found. Good night and sweet dreams!
4. I couldn not sleep until I told you how much I missed you. Goodnight, my love.
5. You are in my heart tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sweet dreams, handsome.
6. Every day I love you more than yesterday. Wish you have a great sleep.
7. I’ll dream of you.
8. I used to think that the dream will not become a reality, but that thought has changed since the moment you saw me. Sleep well.
9. I wish I might be guarding your sleeping tonight, good night and sweet dreams.
10. I was looking out the window and thinking about the person I love so much. That is you. So I just wanna wish you a good night.
11. I hope you are always healthy and comfortable to have a good night’s sleep.
12. No matter where you are, I’m still in your mind. Good night.
13. Good night my love. Hope you have interesting dreams. Love sleep well, maybe tomorrow will be sunny and bring me closer to you.
14. A day will pass. It is so happy to have someone like me to make his every day become more beautiful. Thank you for your love and hope the angels will watch you sleep tonight.
15. I will try to sleep so I can keep you in your dream. Go to bed before you go. Miss you very much.
16. I love stars in the sky, but they can’t match the people in his eyes. Because I’m thinking about you when you’re in the night. Good night.
17. Every night I want to go back home because I will hug you in my arms. Good night, sweetie.
18. Lying on the bed and looking at the clock, he knew it was time to sleep. But I still wondered how I was today ?? Hope everything is fine. Wish you have sweet and delicious dreams.
19. Wondering how much you love me makes you stay awake more every night.
20. Someday, maybe you will fall asleep and wake up next to me. Don’t forget to send sweet words to your loved one every day and remember to attach special characters to add a romantic part!

The best and most meaningful English sleep wishes
21. Think about the good moments of today and always smile for tomorrow. Good night!
22. I will be the last thing I think about before I sleep. And the first person I think about when I wake up
23. Thinking about me is the limit when your nightmare ends, and sweet dreams begin.
24. Somewhere out there under the silver moon, there’s a person thinking about you! Somewhere out there where dreams will come true … sleep well and dream well !!
25. “Don not lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Good night! ”
26. Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sky is moon or not, as long as my heart is sincere, sweet dreams will always be with you. Good night !!
27. Between a million yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today. And I would never let it pass without telling you – I think of you. Have a good nigh

The best and most meaningful English sleep wishes
28. Today, I will fall asleep with you in my heart.
29. Good night! I shall miss you till morning!
30. The sun is now gloomy, but the moon is dancing passionately. Even if the sun looks depressed, the moon will have fun all night with me
31. Sleep well and dream great dreams, my dearest person. I hope that tomorrow will be sunny and bright like you
32. Disappointment always comes before hope and darkness always comes before dawn. Don’t lose hope now because everything will be brighter with a new day
33. Thank God for all the good things happening in the day and wish everyone had a good night’s sleep. Then take a deep breath and sleep gently when dreaming of yourself. Dream beautiful dreams
34. The night will be a longer time than the day when he dreams of great dreams. The time of each day will be longer for those who make dreams come true
35. The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let’s light the moon guide as you pass the night away.
36. Everyday I wish my dream would come true. And then I realized that I’m here with you.
37. Every night I hope that the moon is big and bright, and I’m always happy and happy. When I turn off the lights, remember that I was dreaming of you then
38. Now is the end of the day, but soon it will be a new day. Keep up the spirit because every day has more opportunities
39. Good night, my love!
(Good night, my love!)
40. There is always something big, warm and fuzzy. Before I get too many problems, I should know that I have a good night hug for you!
41. Please change your usual wishes with one of the above sweet and meaningful wishes to always have good relationships!
42. Every night I love coming back home because of being in your arms. Good night my love!
G. Simple and meaningful Chinese good night wishes

Simple and meaningful Chinese good night wishes
1. 晚安!
Good night!
Sleep well.
3. 做个 甜美 的 梦。
(Zuò ge Tiánměi de me.)
Have a nice dream.
4. 做个好梦。
(Zuò ge hǎo mèng.)
Have a nice dream.
5. 上床 睡觉 去。
Shingle of shuìji qia.
Go to bed.
6. 睡觉 的 时间 到 了。
(Shuìjiao de shíjiān dawned.)
It’s time to sleep.
7. 我 要去 睡觉 了。
(Wǒ yào shuìjiào le.)
I’m going to sleep now.
8. 明早 见。
(Míngzǎo jiàn.)
See you tomorrow morning.
睡好 shuì hǎo Sleep well.
晚安! wǎn ān! Good night!
míng zǎo jiàn 明早 見 See you tomorrow morning.
做個 甜美 的 夢 zuò gè tián měi de mèi Have a nice dream.
做個好夢 zuò gè hǎo mèng Have a nice dream.
我 要去 睡覺 了 wǒ shuì jiào le He is going to sleep now.
上床 睡 (覺) 去 shuì shuì (jiào) Go to bed.
睡覺 的 時間 到 了 shuì jiào de shí jiàn dà * le Go to bed now
H. Good night sentences in French
Good night is a common wish in everyday life when you want to wish someone in the evening. And when learning French, you must know this familiar good night. So good night, how to write French correctly to send messages to relatives and friends.
Good night, the French record is: Bonne nuit
Good night: Bonne soirée.
Good night, Mick: Bonsoir, Mick.
Good night, princess: Dors bien, princesse.
Good night, little Willa: Bonne nuit, petite Willa.
Thank you, TED. Good night: Merci TED. Bonsoir.

Simple and meaningful Chinese good night wishes
The above is a summary of the best and most meaningful Goodnight wishes DocumenTV sent to you. Good or funny sleep wishes will leave a good impression that you want to convey to the recipient. It is not only a good night’s blessing but also a blessing for a happy feeling.
Hoping for good and funny good wishes above has brought laughter and joy to you. Now DocumenTV also wishes you good night, ha ha ha.
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