Find the magnitude of the force F⃗ exerted by the leg on the small pulley. (By Newton’s third law, the small pulley exerts an equal and oppo


Find the magnitude of the force F⃗ exerted by the leg on the small pulley. (By Newton’s third law, the small pulley exerts an equal and opposite force on the leg.) Let the mass m be 2.27 kg.

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Nem 3 years 2021-09-05T16:38:54+00:00 1 Answers 60 views 0

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    As the small pulley and mass are not moving, they are stationary.

    T_{2} = T_{1} = mg = (2.27)(9.8)

                        = 22.246 N

    Now resolve the force in the opposite direction.

    F = 2Tcos30°

    F = (2)(22.246)(cos30°)

    F = 38.53 N

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