Explain why there is a delay between the arrival of the sound transmitted through the steel pipe and the sound transmitted by the air in the


Explain why there is a delay between the arrival of the sound transmitted through the steel pipe and the sound transmitted by the air in the pipe.​

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Dulcie 3 years 2021-07-23T18:54:45+00:00 2 Answers 7 views 0

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    Explanation:Sound waves are pressure waves that travel through Earth’s crust, water bodies, and atmosphere. Natural sound frequencies specify the frequency attributes of sound waves that will efficiently induce vibration in a body (e.g., the tympanic membrane of the ear) or that naturally result from the vibration of that body.

    Sound waves can potentiate or cancel in accord with the principle of superposition and whether they are in phase or out of phase with each other. Waves of all forms can undergo constructive or destructive interference. Sound waves also exhibit Doppler shifts—an apparent change in frequency due to relative motion between the source of sound emission and the receiving point. When sound waves move toward an observer the Doppler effect shifts observed frequencies higher. When sound waves move away from an observer the Doppler effect shifted observed frequencies lower. The Doppler effect is commonly and easily observed in the passage of planes, trains, and automobiles.

    The speed of propagation of a sound wave is dependent upon the density of the medium of transmission. Weather conditions (e.g., temperature , pressure, humidity , etc.) and certain geophysical and topographical features (e.g., mountains or hills) can obstruct sound transmission. The alteration of sound waves by commonly encountered meteorological conditions is generally negligible except when the sound waves propagate over long distances or emanate from a high frequency source. In the extreme cases, atmospheric conditions can bend or alter sound wave transmission.


    The speed of sound in steel is about 17 times as fast as it’s speed in air.

    Naturally, when a sound starts out at one end of a pipe, it reaches the other end thru the steel before it reaches the other end thru the air in the pipe.

    The longer the pipe is, the longer will be the delay between the arrival of the two sounds at the other end.

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