* explain in your own words the phrase , ” a cell has a voltage of 1.5V” plz help!! Will give the brainliest!


* explain in your own words the phrase ,
” a cell has a voltage of 1.5V”

plz help!!
Will give the brainliest!
plz answer correctly.​

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Thành Công 3 years 2021-08-12T10:47:38+00:00 1 Answers 15 views 0

Answers ( )


    First of all, what is a cell?

    A cell is a power source. It converts chemical energy into electrical energy which then allows a current to flow.

    Then, what is a voltage?

    A voltage is an electrical force required to push an electric current.

    The answer to your question

    The powers source requires a voltage of 1.5 to push the electrical current around the circuit

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