Choose two forces and compare and contrast these forces. These must be different forces than used in the prior question. Provide two ways th


Choose two forces and compare and contrast these forces. These must be different forces than used in the prior question. Provide two ways that they are similar and two ways that they are different. You may make a list, write it out, or make a chart. (5pts) (FLVS assignment 01.04) PLEASE HELP!!!

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Acacia 3 years 2021-08-24T23:52:10+00:00 1 Answers 233 views 0

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    There are 4 forces. These are 1) Gravity, 2) Weak Nuclear Force, 3) Electromagnetism, and 4) Strong Nuclear Force. 

    Order of strength from weakest to strongest: Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Electromagnetism, Strong Nuclear Force

    Type of Range:

    Gravity – Unlimited range

    Weak Nuclear Force – Limited range

    Electromagnetism – Infinite range

    Strong Nuclear Force – Limited Range

    Found in:

    Gravity – Exists between all objects with mass

    Weak Nuclear Force – Governs over beta decays like the emission of electron or positron

    Electromagnetism – the attraction found between particles that are electrically charged

    Strong Nuclear Force – Found in atoms and subatomic particles. It is responsible for holding the atoms’ nucleus together.

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