Calculate the electric field at one corner of a square 50 cm on a side if the other corners are occupied by 250×10-7C (charges)


Calculate the electric field at one corner of a square 50 cm on a side if the other corners are occupied by 250×10-7C (charges)

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Sapo 3 years 2021-07-23T18:46:19+00:00 1 Answers 196 views 0

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    The electric field at one corner of a square is 1614217 N/C.


    The distance between x and y direction diagonals.

    As per the given details the distance between diagonals is calculated as

    0.5² + 0.5² = c²  =>  c = 0.707 m

    Charge to the right:  In x direction

    In order to find the electric charge towards x direction

    we use e = kq/r² formula

    As ‘k’ is coulomb’s constant it’s value is 9 x 10^{9} N m²/C²

    e = (9 x 10^{9})(250 x 10^{-7}) / (0.5)²

    e = 9 x 10^{5} N/C

    Charge diagonal:

    e = kq/r²

    e = [(9 x 10^{9})(250 x 10^{-7}) / (0.707)²] cos 45

    e = 225000√2 N/C

    X direction sum = 1218198 N/C.

    Similarly as shown in x direction the charge is same for y direction also

    Charge below:  For y direction

    e = kq/r²

    e = (9 x 10^{9})(250 x 10^{-7}) / (0.5)²

    e = 9 x 10^{5} N/C

    Charge diagonal:

    e = kq/r²

    e = [(9 x 10^{9})(250 x 10^{-7}) / (0.5)²] sin 45

    e = 159099 N/C

    Y direction sum = 1059099 N/C

    Resultant electric field strength:

    1218198 ² + 1059099² = e²

    e = 1614217 N/C [45 degrees below the horizontal]

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