Bo has 144 stickers on a page. He gives 2/9 of the stickers to his sister. He gives 16 stickers to his friend. How many does Bo ha

Bo has 144 stickers on a page. He gives 2/9 of the stickers to his sister. He gives 16 stickers to his friend. How many does Bo have left?

1 thought on “Bo has 144 stickers on a page. He gives 2/9 of the stickers to his sister. He gives 16 stickers to his friend. How many does Bo ha”

  1. Answer:
    127 7/9
    Step-by-step explanation:
    144 – 2/9
    144/1 – 2/9
    = 143 7/9
    143 7/9 – 16
    = 127 7/9


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