Atlanta’s population is growing at a rate of 2.9% per year while Detroit’s population is declining at 1.1% per year. Describe what this mean


Atlanta’s population is growing at a rate of 2.9% per year while Detroit’s population is declining at 1.1% per year. Describe what this means.


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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-08-01T16:02:53+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    Every year, the population is increasing by a certain amount. This type of continuous growth is increasing at an increasing rate. Exponential growth.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let’s say the population of Atlanta was 100,000 in year 0. At the end of year 1, it would have grown 3%. 100,000 * 103% = 103,000.

    103% because if it were 3%, the population would be shrinking.

    at the end of year 2, you take the ending amount of year 1, 103,000*103%=106,090.

    Exponential growth is everywhere in the world, population sizes, production, intelligence. The formula f(x)=a(1+r)^x :

    f(x): the amount in x years.

    a: The starting population.

    r: The yearly growth rate.

    x: How many years.

    If you are given months, convert from years to months.

    For example: Detroit is expected to grow 1.1% each year until the year 2029. This means that 8 years would have passed, 2029-2021. You take the starting population, which is roughly 675,000 as of now and input into the exponential formula equation.

    f(8)=675,000(1+.011)^8 = 736,738 (Population of Detroit in the year 2029).

    .011 because 1.1% is converted to decimal form.

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