A coin is within the focal length of a double convex lens. How does the coin appear through the lens?


A coin is within the focal length of a double convex lens. How does the coin appear through the lens?

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Khánh Gia 3 years 2021-08-12T11:06:37+00:00 1 Answers 9 views 0

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    Answer: theres the answer in the explanation


    A converging lens is a type of optical lens that is thicker at the center than at its edges; this type of lens concentrate or converge (that is why its name) at a point the rays of light that pass through it.

    If we talk about the formation of the image, its location and nature will depend on where the object is located with respect to the focal length of the lens. So, in general:

    – If the object is considerable away from the focal point, a real image (which can be projected on a screen) will be formed, inverted and smaller than the object.

    -If the object is very close to the focal point, a virtual image will be observed (it is given this name because the image can not be projected on a screen) upright and bigger than the object.

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