If each soda sells for $2.50, what is the expected daily total dollar amount taken in by the vendor from the sale of sodas?


If each soda sells for $2.50, what is the expected daily total dollar amount taken in by the vendor from the sale of sodas?

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RuslanHeatt 3 years 2021-07-26T16:47:46+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    Step-by-step explanation:

    Y: A random variable that indicates the amount of money that the seller will receive.


    if  x=0  →  y=0.2,50=0$

    if  x=5  →  y=5.2,50  = 12,5  $

    if  x=10  →  y=10.2,50= 25$

    if  x=15  →  y=15.2,50=  37,5$

    if  x=20  →  y=20.2,50=  50  $

    if  x=25  →  y=25.2,50=  62,5$

    Y=  { 0$ ; 12,5$ ; 25$ ; 37,5$ ; 50$ ; 62,5$ }

    E(Y)=  ∑Y.P(Y)

    =  0.P(0)+12,5.P(12,5)+  25.P(25)+  37,5.P(37,5)+  50.P(50)+  62,5.P(62,5)

    =  0.0,01+  12,5.0,15+  25.0,25+  37,5.0,3+  50.0,25+  62,5.0,04

    = 0 + 1,875 + 6,25 + 11,25 + 12,5 + 2,5

    = 34,38$ expected value of the amount of money the seller receives.

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