Lucy, Luke, and Lilly went trick-or-treating on Halloween. After they finished, they compared the amount of candy they all had. Luke had twi


Lucy, Luke, and Lilly went trick-or-treating on Halloween. After they finished, they compared the amount of candy they all had. Luke had twice the amount Lilly had, and Lucy had 15 less than 3 times the amount Lilly had. If together, they had 225 candies, how many candies did Lucy have? PLEASE HELP URGENT

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Yến Oanh 3 years 2021-09-02T13:33:02+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    Hi there!

    Let think talk about these clues we have right now…

    Luke is x2 more than Lily.

    Luce is 45 less candy than Lily since 3 times 15.

    225 candys in total…

    Let make a random guess…

    Lily: 70

    Luke: 140

    Lucy: 35

    Total: 245

    Now we know that there must be a half candy since it’s a odd number at the end of that…

    Lily: 67.5

    Luke: 135

    Lucy: 22.5

    Total: 225

    But we are asked for only Lucy…

    So the answer to this problem is 22.5.

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