On Tuesday the cafeteria sold pizza slices and burritos. The number of pizza slices sold was 20 less than twice the number of burritos


On Tuesday the cafeteria sold pizza slices and burritos. The number of pizza slices sold was 20 less than twice the
number of burritos sold. Pizza sold for $2.50 a slice and burritos sold for $3.00 each. The cafeteria collected a total of
$358 for selling these two items. Homework Help
a. Write two equations with two variables to represent the information in this problem. Be sure to define your
variables by writing let statements.
b. Solve your system from part (a). Then determine how many pizza slices were sold.

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Eirian 3 years 2021-08-30T01:16:23+00:00 1 Answers 33 views 0

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    Yes, that is the answer. Try it and you’ll get it correct, I think…

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