explain step by step please thank you! Paco drives an average of 55 miles per hour. Their destination is 274 miles away. wants to arrive at


explain step by step please thank you! Paco drives an average of 55 miles per hour. Their destination is 274 miles away. wants to arrive at 4:00 p.m. and allow an extra hour for stops. What time should he go out?​

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Nho 3 years 2021-07-18T22:33:29+00:00 1 Answers 4 views 0

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    11:01 am

    Step-by-step explanation:

    If paco drives 55 miles per hour you must divide 274 by 55 to find the amount of time it will take for him to reach his destination:


    Now we have 4 hours plus 0.981818.. hours which the latter we multiply by 60 to find out how many minutes are 0.981818 hours:


    which I will round to 59 as clocks show an hour and a minute so rounding it so it’s accurate to the second is unnecassary, this means it will take him 4 hours 59 minutes to reach his destination so we subtract this from 4:00 pm:

    4:00 pm-4 hours 59 minutes= 11:01 am

    So our answer is 11:01 am

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