You want to buy a $203,000 home. You plan to pay 10% as a down payment, and take out a 30 year loan for the rest. or a) How much is the loan


You want to buy a $203,000 home. You plan to pay 10% as a down payment, and take out a 30 year loan for the rest. or a) How much is the loan amount going to be? $ b) What will your monthly payments be if the interest rate is 6%? $ c) What will your monthly payments be if the interest rate is 7%?​

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Dâu 3 years 2021-07-30T05:19:46+00:00 1 Answers 15 views 0

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    The amount of the loan is going to be $ 182,700, and the monthly payments, if the interest is 6%, are going to be $ 537.95, while if the interest is 7%, are going to be $ 543.02.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given that you want to buy a $ 203,000 home, and you plan to pay 10% as a down payment, and take out a 30 year loan for the rest, for A) determine how much is the loan amount going to be, B) determine what will your monthly payments be if the interest rate is 6%, and C) determine what will your monthly payments be if the interest rate is 7%, the following calculations must be made:

    A) 100 – 10 = 90

    203,000 x 0.90 = X

    182,700 = X

    B) (182,700 x 1.06) / (30 x 12) = X

    193,662 / 360 = X

    537.95 = X

    C) (182,700 x 1.07) / (30 x 12) = X

    195,489 / 360 = X

    543.025 = X

    Therefore, the amount of the loan is going to be $ 182,700, and the monthly payments, if the interest is 6%, are going to be $ 537.95, while if the interest is 7%, are going to be $ 543.02.

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