A 0.153 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.700 m/s. It has a head-on collision with


A 0.153 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.700 m/s. It has a head-on collision with a 0.308 kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.16 m/s. Suppose the collision is elastic.

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Diễm Thu 3 years 2021-09-03T09:44:48+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    3.1216 m/s.



    M1 = 0.153 kg

    v1 = 0.7 m/s

    M2 = 0.308 kg

    v2 = -2.16 m/s

    M1v1 + M2v2 = M1V1 + M2V2

    0.153 × 0.7 + 0.308 × -2.16 = 0.153 × V1 + 0.308 × V2

    = 0.1071 – 0.66528 = 0.153 × V1 + 0.308 × V2

    0.153V1 + 0.308V2 = -0.55818. i

    For the velocities,

    v1 – v2 = -(V1 – V2)

    0.7 – (-2.16) = -(V1 – V2)

    -(V1 – V2) = 2.86

    V2 – V1 = 2.86. ii

    Solving equation i and ii simultaneously,

    V1 = 3.1216 m/s

    V2 = 0.2616 m/s

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