A light bulb is supplied with 100 J of energy each second. a How many joules of energy leave the bulb each second in the form


A light bulb is supplied with 100 J of energy each
a How many joules of energy leave the bulb
each second in the form of heat and light?
b If 10 J of energy leave the lamp each second
in the form of light, how many joules leave
each second in the form of heat?​

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Thu Thủy 3 years 2021-09-03T02:56:38+00:00 1 Answers 106 views 0

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  1. Answer:




    a.Applying energy conservation laws:-

    Energy  Into Bulb=Light \ Energy+Thermal \ Energy(Heat \ Energy)

    Given  that light energy=5J,and Total Energy=100J

    Heat \ Energy= \Total \ Energy- Light \ Energy\\=100J-5J=95J

    b. Applying the laws in a above.

    Total Energy=100J

    Light Energy=10J

    Heat \ Energy=100J-10J=90J

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