The spacing between two closely spaced oppositely charged parallel plates is decreased. What happens to the electrostatic potential differen


The spacing between two closely spaced oppositely charged parallel plates is decreased. What happens to the electrostatic potential difference between the plates, assuming they form an isolated system: (a) it increases, (b) it decreases, (c) it stays the same, or (d) you can’t tell from the information given?

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Lệ Thu 3 years 2021-09-02T04:24:15+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    Electrostatic Potential Decreases


    • If the spacing between two closely spaced oppositely charged parallel plates is decreased the electrostatic potential difference between the plates will decrease.
    • An electrostatic potential that is also referred to as the electric field potential or potential drop is the amount of work required to replace a unit of charge from a reference point to a specific point inside the electric field without any change in acceleration.  
    • Therefore, if the distance will decrease between oppositely charged plates there will be more affinity to attract which will reduce the amount of work done thus decreasing the electric potential

    ∴  The Correct option is (b)

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