A diver goes under water and measures the pressure. At some point his instruments read a pressure of 50,000 Pa. How deep did the diver go in


A diver goes under water and measures the pressure. At some point his instruments read a pressure of 50,000 Pa. How deep did the diver go in meters? The density of water is 1000 kg/m^3. (Write the number only with 1 significant figure)

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Thiên Hương 3 years 2021-08-19T18:24:37+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    y\approx 5\ m


    The pressure of a Fluid

    A fluid of density \rho exerts pressure at a distance y (deep) given by

    P=\rho\cdot y\cdot g

    Where g is the acceleration of gravity or g=9.8\ m/s^2

    This formula computes the pressure assuming the initial pressure is 0 at fluid (water in this case) level.

    Knowing the measured pressure, we can know how deep the diver went by solving the equation for y

    \displaystyle y=\frac{P}{\rho\cdot g}

    Let’s plug in the given values

    P=50,000\ Pa= 50,000\ N/m^2

    \rho=1,000\ kg/m^3

    g=9.8\ m/s^2


    \displaystyle y=\frac{50,000\ N/m^2}{1,000\ kg/m^3\cdot 9.8\ m/s^2}

    y\approx 5\ m

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