A 9.00-cm-long wire is pulled along a U-shaped conducting rail in a perpendicular magnetic field. The total resistance of the wire and rail


A 9.00-cm-long wire is pulled along a U-shaped conducting rail in a perpendicular magnetic field. The total resistance of the wire and rail is 0.320 Ω . Pulling the wire at a steady speed of 4.00 m/s causes 4.30 W of power to be dissipated in the circuit.

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Dulcie 3 years 2021-08-09T15:34:13+00:00 1 Answers 21 views 0

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    0.45 N


    Let Recall that,

    The power formula is:  

      P = E²/R  

    Let A = the magnetic field  

    Let L = length of wire  = 9.00cm = 0.09 m  

    let  R = resistance of wire  = 0.320 Ω

    let v =  velocity of the wire = 4 m/s  

    Let E = across the wire voltage

    Let P = the power of the wire = 4.3 W  

    To Solve  for E:  

    The formula of E = √PR  

    The Voltage from  a magnetic field is given as,

    E = vAL  

    We therefore Use E = E

    √PR = vAL  

    to solve  for A,

    A= √PR/vL  

    BA= √4.3(0.32)/(4)(.09)  -=0.173

    A = 0.173 wA/m²

    Let F  be  the pulling force  

    Let I  be the current in the wire  

    P = I²R  

    I = √P/R  

    F = IAL  

    F = √P/RAL  

    F = √4.3/.32(0.173)(.09)  

    F = 0.45N

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