In a day, an electrical resistance heater uses 10 kW-h of electricity. In the same day, the heater delivers 9 kW-h of heat to the house in w


In a day, an electrical resistance heater uses 10 kW-h of electricity. In the same day, the heater delivers 9 kW-h of heat to the house in which it is located. Is this possible or is this a perpetual motion machine? If so, what kind? Explain your reasoning. (5 points)

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Vodka 3 years 2021-08-09T14:31:38+00:00 1 Answers 10 views 0

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    The heater is not a perpetual motion machine.


    A perpetual motion machine is a machine that can run forever without any energy inputs. That is, it delivers the same amount of energy as it uses. Such a machine is almost hypothetical because it is opposite to the second law of thermodynamics.

    The heater mentioned in the question is not a perpetual motion machine because it delivers less energy than it requires. It uses 10 kW-h of electricity to produce 9 kW-h of heat according to the question.

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