An air conditioner is a refrigerator with the inside of the house acting as the cold reservoir and the outside atmosphere acting as the hot


An air conditioner is a refrigerator with the inside of the house acting as the cold reservoir and the outside atmosphere acting as the hot reservoir. Assume that an air conditioner consumes 1.25 * 103 W of electrical power and that it can be idealized as a reversible Carnot refrigerator. If the coefficient of performance of this device is 1.75, how much heat can be extracted from the house in a day

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Lệ Thu 3 years 2021-08-09T10:51:53+00:00 1 Answers 49 views 0

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    1.89*10^8 J


    The coefficient of performance of this device is \frac{Q}{W} where Q .is the useful heat supplied or removed by the considered system and W  is the work required by the considered system.

    Step 1

    Coeffiecient of perfromance for cooling (COPC) = 1.75 = \frac{Q}{W} .

                                                         Q = 1.75W

    Step 2

    We convert day into seconds:

    1 day = 24 hrs = 86400 seconds

    Step 3

    Heat that can be extracted from the house in a day is:

    Q = 1.75 * 1.25 * 10^3 * 86400 =  189000000 = 1.89*10^8 J

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