The middle of the first-order maximum, adjacent to the central bright fringe in a double-slit experiment, corresponds to a point where the o


The middle of the first-order maximum, adjacent to the central bright fringe in a double-slit experiment, corresponds to a point where the optical path length difference from the two slits is equal to:

a) 0.
b) undefined.
c) one wavelength.
d) 1/2 wavelength.
e) 1/4 wavelength.

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Thông Đạt 3 years 2021-07-30T08:51:01+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    Answer: C

    one wavelength


    The bright spots are as a result of constructive interference, which occurs when the path length differs by multiples of one wavelength. The first order maximum varies by exactly one wavelength.

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