Blocks A (mass 2.00 kg) and B (mass 10.00 kg, to the right of A) move on a frictionless, horizontal surface. Initially, block B is moving to


Blocks A (mass 2.00 kg) and B (mass 10.00 kg, to the right of A) move on a frictionless, horizontal surface. Initially, block B is moving to the left at 0.500 m/s and block A is moving to the right at 2.00 m/s. The blocks are equipped with ideal spring bumpers. The collision is head on, so all motion before and after it is along a straight line. Find
(a) the maximum energy stored in the spring bumpers and the velocity of each block at that time;
(b) the velocity of each block after they have moved apart.

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Bình An 3 years 2021-07-24T02:36:00+00:00 1 Answers 94 views 0

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    Answer:dont care


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