Ratio of resistances of two bulbs is 2:3. If they are connected in series to a supply, then the ratio of voltages across them is_________ wi


Ratio of resistances of two bulbs is 2:3. If they are connected in series to a supply, then the ratio of voltages across them is_________ with explanation pls

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Kim Cúc 3 years 2021-07-29T23:37:10+00:00 1 Answers 17 views 0

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    Given that,

    Two resistor has resistance in the ratio 2:3


    R1 : R2 = 2:3

    R1 / R2 =⅔

    3 •R1 = 2• R2

    Let R2 = R


    R1 = ⅔R2 = 2/3 R

    So, if the resistor are connected in series

    Let know the current that will flow in the circuit

    Series connection will have a equivalent resistance of

    Req = R1 + R2

    Req = R + ⅔ R = 5/3 R

    Req = 5R / 3

    Let a voltage V be connect across then, the current that flows can be calculated using ohms law

    V = iR

    I = V/Req

    I = V / (5R /3)

    I = 3V / 5R

    This the current that flows in the two resistors since the same current flows in series connection

    Now, using ohms law again to calculated voltage in each resistor

    V= iR

    For R1 = ⅔R

    V1 =i•R1

    V1 = 3V / 5R × 2R / 3

    V1 = 3V × 2R / 5R × 3

    V1 = 2V / 5

    For R2 = R

    V2 = i•R2

    V2 = 3V / 5R × R

    V2 = 3V × R / 5R

    V2 = 3V / 5


    Ratio of voltage 1 to voltage 2

    V1 : V2 = V1 / V2 = 2V / 5 ÷ 3V / 5

    V1 : V2 = 2V / 5 × 5 / 3V.

    V1 : V2 =2 / 3

    V1:V2 = 2:3

    The ratio of their voltages is also 2:3

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