Technician A says that all components in the high voltage battery box are completely insulated from the rest of the vehicle for safety. Tech


Technician A says that all components in the high voltage battery box are completely insulated from the rest of the vehicle for safety. Technician B says that the high voltage battery box is located under the hood in some vehicles. Which technician is correct?

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Thiên Di 3 years 2021-07-26T13:57:08+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

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    Technician A


    The HV components include the cell, module, or battery pack terminals and any conductive parts attached to them. These components have to be isolated from other conductive (low-voltage) components of the battery pack, such as the module housing, the battery casing, or the cooling system.

    Battery should be located I’m the trunk

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