The speed of light in a material is 0.50 c. what is the critical angle of a light ray at the interface between the materia


The speed of light in a material is 0.50

c. what is the critical angle of a light ray at the interface between the material and a vacuum?

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-09-04T07:17:59+00:00 1 Answers 3 views 0

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    This problem indicates that the speed of light in a material medium is 0.5 10⁸ m / s, they ask to find the critical angle between the material and the vacuum

    Let’s find the refractive index of the material

                n = c / v

               n = 3 10⁸ / 0.5 10⁸

               n = 6

    When the material passes from one medium to another, it must comply with the law of refraction

               n₁ sin θ = n₂ sin θ₂

    for the angle criticize the angles tea2 = 90

              tea = sin⁻¹n₂/ n₁

    The vacuum replacement index is n₂ = 1

             tea = sin⁻¹ (1/6)

             tea = 9.59º

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