The voltage across the terminals of an ac power supply varies with time according to V=V0cos(t). The voltage amplitude is V0 = 41.0V .


The voltage across the terminals of an ac power supply varies with time according to V=V0cos(t). The voltage amplitude is V0 = 41.0V .
A. What is the root-mean-square potential difference Vrms?
B. What is the average potential difference Vav between the two terminals of the power supply?

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Ngọc Khuê 3 years 2021-08-13T17:45:09+00:00 1 Answers 1316 views 0

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    A) V_rms = 29 V

    B) Vav = 0 V


    A) We are told that;

    V = V_o cos ωt

    voltage amplitude; V = V_o = 41.0V

    Now, the formula for the root-mean-square potential difference Vrms is given as;

    V_rms = V/√2

    Thus plugging in relevant values, we have;

    V_rms = 41/√2

    V_rms = 29 V

    B) Due to the fact that the voltage is sinusoidal from the given V = V_o cos ωt, we can say that the average potential difference Vav between the two terminals of the power supply would be zero.

    Thus; Vav = 0 V

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