A disk of radius 10 cm speeds up from rest. It turns 60 radians reaching an angular velocity of 15 rad/s. What was the angular acceleration?


A disk of radius 10 cm speeds up from rest. It turns 60 radians reaching an angular velocity of 15 rad/s. What was the angular acceleration? B.How long did it take the disk to reach this velocity?​

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Thành Công 3 years 2021-08-30T13:59:26+00:00 1 Answers 2 views 0

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    Answer: α = 1.875 rad/s²


    ω₁² = ω₀² + 2αθ

    ω₀ = 0

    α = ω₁² / 2θ

    α = 15² / 2(60)

    α = 1.875 rad/s²

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