(a) If a force of 6 N is applied on a body of mass 4 kg, moving at a uniform velocity, in the direction of its motion, find the resulti


(a) If a force of 6 N is applied on a body of mass 4 kg, moving at a uniform
velocity, in the direction of its motion, find the resulting acceleration.
(b) If the above force is applied in the direction opposite to the direction
of motion of the body, find its deceleration.​

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Thu Giang 3 years 2021-08-26T08:42:34+00:00 1 Answers 40 views 0

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    1.5 m/s ; – 1.5 m/s²


    F = ma

    F = Force ; m = mass of body ; a = Acceleration


    a = F/m

    F = 6N applied in the direction of motion of the. Body

    a = 6N / 4 kg

    a = 1.5 m/s² in the direction of motion.

    If the force is applied in the opposite direction of motion :

    F = ma

    a = F/m

    a = 6 / 4

    a = 1.5 m/s²

    Simc efoece is applied in the opposite direction of motion :

    We have a negative acceleration (deceleration) = – 1.5 m/s²

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