A single loop circuit is constructed by connecting an ideal capacitor to an ideal inductor (using ideal wires) and a switch. The switch is i


A single loop circuit is constructed by connecting an ideal capacitor to an ideal inductor (using ideal wires) and a switch. The switch is initially open and the charge stored by the capacitor is Q0. The switch is closed and the circuit is observed for some time. The switch is reopened at an instant when the charge stored by the capacitor is again Q0 and an iron core is inserted into the inductor (which has the affect of increasing the inductance. The switch is then closed and the circuit is observed. Which of the following parameters are larger for the second observation (the circuit after the iron core was placed in the inductor)?
a) capacitance
b) time constant
c) period of oscillation
d) frequency of oscillation

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Thiên Thanh 3 years 2021-08-23T07:18:30+00:00 1 Answers 5 views 0

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    I think the answer is time constant

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