Iqbal has push a lighter box and seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor . Who will have to apply a larger force and why ?


Iqbal has push a lighter box and seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor . Who will have to apply a larger force and why ?

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Philomena 3 years 2021-08-11T04:07:21+00:00 1 Answers 13 views 0

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    Answer: Seema


    When an object is on the floor, there is a force of friction acting on it. This force is higher if the object is heavier because the object would be pushing against the floor with more force.

    To push such an object, one would have to apply enough force to break the friction holding the object to the floor and so with heavier objects, more force is needed to push the object because there is more friction acting on it.

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