In 1780, Galvani, studying animal electricity, connected a long wire to a dissected frog via a nerve. He put another wire from the frog’s fe


In 1780, Galvani, studying animal electricity, connected a long wire to a dissected frog via a nerve. He put another wire from the frog’s feet down a well, to ground it. As a thunderstorm approached, Galvani observed that the legs twitched every time the lightning flashed. Explain.

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Đan Thu 3 years 2021-08-08T13:06:01+00:00 1 Answers 12 views 0

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    The responses to the question can be defined as follows:


    The power of animals is produced through tissues in the body of frogs. Cells in all biological animals perform the same functions as electrochemical cells. There nerve transmission electrical and chemical signals through muscles that respond to this signal. The whole signal could be externally reproduced while using the power which gives its nerve impetus.

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