A cable car is being pulled up a mountain at 7.5 meters per second. Usually, the car takes 120 seconds to move all the way up the mountain.


A cable car is being pulled up a mountain at 7.5 meters per second. Usually, the car takes 120 seconds to move all the way up the mountain. If its velocity stays constant, how much time will it take the cable car to move 39 meters?

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King 3 years 2021-07-26T13:51:56+00:00 1 Answers 7 views 0

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    5.2 s


    From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

    Velocity = 7.5 m/s

    Displacement = 39 m up

    Time =?

    The time taken for the cable cab to get to 39 m can be obtained as follow:

    Velocity = Displacement / Time

    7.5 = 39 / time

    Cross multiply

    7.5 × time = 39

    Divide both side by 7.5

    Time = 39 / 7.5

    Time = 5.2 s

    Thus, the time taken for the cable cab to get to 39 m up is 5.2 s

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