In order for a roller coaster to work, why does the hill the cart climbs need to be higher than the top of the loop?


In order for a roller coaster to work, why does the hill the cart climbs need to be higher than the top of the loop?

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RuslanHeatt 3 years 2021-09-04T17:14:55+00:00 1 Answers 251 views 0

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    At the highest point of the first and tallest slope, your potential energy is at its most elevated it will at any point be on this ride. As you plunge, your potential energy diminishes until it’s totally gone at the lower part of the slope.” The more limited the slope the exciting ride climbs, the more prominent its active energy.

    Another way of saying is that

    A roller ride works utilizing gravity. the underlying slope must be sufficiently high that gravity can create sufficient force to finish the course.


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