The pressure of a gas is 440. mm Hg. Express this in units of (a) atmospheres, (b) bars, and (c) pascals.


The pressure of a gas is 440. mm Hg. Express this in units of (a) atmospheres, (b) bars, and (c) pascals.

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Tryphena 3 years 2021-09-03T19:01:19+00:00 1 Answers 27 views 0

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    Answer: a) 0.579 atm

    b) 0.585 bar

    c) 58662 Pa


    Pressure of the gas is defined as the force exerted by the particles on the walls of the container. It is expressed in various terms like ‘mmHg’, ‘atm’, ‘kiloPascals’ etc..

    All these units of pressure are inter convertible.

    We are given:

    Pressure of the gas = 440 mmHg

    a) Converting this unit of pressure into ‘atm’ by using conversion factor:


    440mmHg=\frac{1}{760}\times 440=0.579atm

    b) Converting this unit of pressure into ‘bars’ by using conversion factor:


    440mmHg=\frac{1.01}{760}\times 440=0.585bar

    c) Converting this unit of pressure into ‘Pascal’ by using conversion factor:


    440mmHg=\frac{101325}{760}\times 440=58662Pa

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