A hot air balloon is filled to 1250 m3 at 27 C. At what temperature will the balloon be filled to 1600 m3 if the pressure remains constant?<


A hot air balloon is filled to 1250 m3 at 27 C. At what temperature will the balloon be filled to 1600 m3 if the pressure remains constant?

Please help!!

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Thành Công 3 years 2021-07-19T14:18:27+00:00 1 Answers 8 views 0

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    384.2 K


    First we convert 27 °C to K:

    • 27 °C + 273.16 = 300.16 K

    With the absolute temperature we can use Charles’ law to solve this problem. This law states that at constant pressure:

    • T₁V₂=T₂V₁

    Where in this case:

    • T₁ = 300.16 K
    • V₂ = 1600 m³
    • T₂ = ?
    • V₁ = 1250 m³

    We input the data:

    300.16 K * 1600 m³ = T₂ * 1250 m³

    And solve for T₂:

    T₂ = 384.2 K

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