Raul has $460 in his checking account. Each month, $45 is automatically deducted from his account to pay for his cell phone plan. He makes n


Raul has $460 in his checking account. Each month, $45 is automatically deducted from his account to pay for his cell phone plan. He makes no other deposits or withdrawals. He wants to always have more than $100 in his account. What is the greatest number of months he can pay for his cell phone and still have more than $100 in his account?
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months

in progress 0
Verity 3 years 2021-09-02T00:40:52+00:00 2 Answers 32 views 0

Answers ( )



    7 Months

    Step-by-step explanation:

    x=number of months

    how much is deducted total=number of months times amount deducted per m onth

    amount deducted per month=45

    number of months=x

    how much deducted total=45x

    460-deducted total is more than 100


    solve for x

    add 45x to both sides


    subtract 100


    divide both sides by 45


    answer is 7 months

    if he does 8 months, then he will have exatly 100 and 100 is noe more than 100



    7 Months

    Step-by-step explanation

    You have to multiply each answer by 45, and subtract each answer from 460. The one that gives you more than 100 is your answer. The answer is 7 months, if he wants to have more than 100 dollars. The answer is 8 months if he wants to have 100 dollars.

    I hope you find this useful 🙂

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