How do you put extra effort into your papers to make them “high quality?” What new strategies have you learned in this lesson that you can a


How do you put extra effort into your papers to make them “high quality?” What new strategies have you learned in this lesson that you can apply to your next paper?

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King 3 years 2021-08-26T19:07:24+00:00 2 Answers 163 views 0

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    Answer:    To make your papers high quality, make sure you establish a clear purpose and use a variety of sentence structures and advanced vocabulary. Organize the essay effectively to provide a coherent flow of thought/argument and stay on topic! Make sure each sentence supports your thesis/argument/purpose and avoid incorrect grammar and mechanics that could detract from your credibility. Use liking words and sentences so your essay flows.                                                                                     Hope this helps 🙂   Pls mark Brainliest



    This is what I put:

    “Putting extra effort into your work would include actions like using synonyms, avoiding too many contractions (words like “can’t” or “don’t” in grammar), and refraining from including your opinion in order to stay professional (unless the topic requires it). The “6 Trait Philosophy/Writing” strategy is what I plan to use in future papers. This strategy contains the 6 “steps” or “tips” for better writing, which are organization, conventions, ideas, fluency, voice, and word choice. And, of course, the standard formatting guidelines.”

    Step-by-step explanation:

    I got 100% on Edge.

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