Suppose you are the diving officer on a submarine conducting diving operations. As you conduct your operations, you realize that you can rel


Suppose you are the diving officer on a submarine conducting diving operations. As you conduct your operations, you realize that you can relate the submarine’s changes in depth over time to some linear equations. The submarine descends at different rates over different time intervals.

Part A
The depth of the submarine is 50 ft below sea level when it starts to descend at a rate of 10.5 ft/s. It dives at that rate for 5 s. What are the constraints on the x- and y-values?

Part B
Choose a tool and graph the segment showing the depth of the submarine from 0 s to 5 s. Be sure the graph has the correct axes, labels, and scale.

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RuslanHeatt 3 years 2021-08-04T10:10:32+00:00 1 Answers 46 views 0

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    If you need additional resources to support virtual learning, please … 9) I can solve problems involving a system of linear inequalities. … of the submarine is 50 ft below sea level when it starts to descend … ft/s. It dives at that rate for 5 s. … After the initial 5-second descent, the submarine increases its rate of …

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