You can use the formula A = C/4 to find the area of a circle given the circumstance. Describe another way to find the area of a circle when

You can use the formula A = C/4 to find the area of a circle given the circumstance. Describe another way to find the area of a circle when given the circumstance. Help please!

0 thoughts on “You can use the formula A = C/4 to find the area of a circle given the circumstance. Describe another way to find the area of a circle when”

  1. Answer:

    [tex]A = \frac{Cr}{2}[/tex]

    Step-by-step explanation:


    [tex]A = \frac{C}{4}[/tex]


    Describe another way to get area from circumference

    Circumference C is calculated using:

    [tex]C = 2\pi r[/tex]

    Area, A is calculated using:

    [tex]A = \pi r^2[/tex]

    Using: [tex]C = 2\pi r[/tex]

    Divide both sides by 2

    [tex]\frac{C}{2} = \frac{2\pi r}{2}[/tex]

    [tex]\frac{C}{2} = \pi r[/tex]

    Multiply both sides by r

    [tex]r*\frac{C}{2} = \pi r*r[/tex]

    [tex]r*\frac{C}{2} = \pi r^2[/tex]

    [tex]\frac{Cr}{2} = \pi r^2[/tex]

    The expression on the right-hand side is the area.

    So, substitute [tex]\pi r^2[/tex] for A

    [tex]\frac{Cr}{2} = A[/tex]


    [tex]A = \frac{Cr}{2}[/tex]


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