Why are Carbon-14 and carbon-12 considered to be isotopes? A. Carbon-14 decays at a faster rate that Carbon-12 B. Carbon-

Why are Carbon-14 and carbon-12 considered to be isotopes?

A. Carbon-14 decays at a faster rate that Carbon-12
B. Carbon-14 is more stable than Carbon-12.
C. Carbon-14 has more neutrons than carbon-12.
D. Carbon-13 is roughly 2 any heavier than Carbon-14.
E. Both atoms have six protons in the nucleus, but have different atomic masses.

0 thoughts on “Why are Carbon-14 and carbon-12 considered to be isotopes? A. Carbon-14 decays at a faster rate that Carbon-12 B. Carbon-”

  1. Answer:



    Same # of protons and different # of neutrons is basically the definition of isotopes.


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