Which represents the solution set to the inequality ? -1.5(4x+1) less than or equal to 4.5-2.5(x+1) need help

Which represents the solution set to the inequality ?
-1.5(4x+1) less than or equal to 4.5-2.5(x+1)

need help asap steps please tho thx

0 thoughts on “Which represents the solution set to the inequality ? -1.5(4x+1) less than or equal to 4.5-2.5(x+1) need help”

  1. Answer:

    x >= 1

    Sorry this keyboard doesn’t have greater than or equal to symbol.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    -1.5(4x+1) =< 4.5 -2.5(x+1) Distribute factors to get:

    -6x – 1.5 =< 4.5 -2.5x -2.5

    Combine like terms on right

    4.5-2.5=2 Add 2.5x to both sides and add 1.5 to both sides. You get

    -3.5x =< 3.5 Divide both sides by -3.5 and remember to reverse the less than to more than when you divide by a negative number.

    x >= 1


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