Which of the following best explains the value of Sine StartFraction pi Over 3 EndFraction on the unit circle below

Which of the following best explains the value of Sine StartFraction pi Over 3 EndFraction on the unit circle below

1 thought on “Which of the following best explains the value of Sine StartFraction pi Over 3 EndFraction on the unit circle below”

  1. The terms that explains the value of Sin(pi/3) on the unit circle would be Sin(pi/3) = Opposite side of angle.
    According to the statement
    we have to give the terms which explain the sin (pi/3) perfectly.
    And we have choose these terms from the these below written conditions like From Right Triangle, Hypotenuse, and unit circle.
    And Now we explain all terms below
    “Right Triangle is a triangle whose one of the angle measures 90° “
    And “The hypotenuse is a longest side of the right triangle.
    And”Unit Circle is a circle with radius 1.”
    For given question,
    We have been  given a unit circle.
    So, We need to find the sin (pi/3)
    We know, in a right triangle for any angle , θ
    Sinθ = Opposite side of angle / Hypotenuse
    So, for , Sin(pi/3) = Opposite side of angle / 1
    Sin(pi/3) = Opposite side of angle
    Therefore, The terms that explains the value of Sin(pi/3) on the unit circle would be Sin(pi/3) = Opposite side of angle.
    Learn more about Trigonometry here https://brainly.com/question/8120556


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