When constructing a perpendicular line through a point on a line, how can you verify that the lines constructed are perpendicular?

When constructing a perpendicular line through a point on a line, how can you verify that the lines constructed are perpendicular? (1 point)
Check the angles used in the construction with a straightedge to ensure consistency.
Check the distance along the lines at several places with a compass to ensure they are the same length.
Check the intersecting lines with the corner of a piece of paper to ensure the lines create 90° angles.
Check the distance between the lines at several places with a compass to ensure they are equidistant

1 thought on “When constructing a perpendicular line through a point on a line, how can you verify that the lines constructed are perpendicular?”

  1. If you know the slope of the lines, you can also use these methods:
    – see if the slopes multiplied by each other are -1 (should be if they’re perpendicular)
    – test if the slopes are opposite reciprocals (if they are, they are perpendicular)


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