When an object moves in a circular path, it accelerates toward the center of the circle as a result of ______. A. terminal veloc

When an object moves in a circular path, it accelerates toward the center of the circle as a result of ______.

A. terminal velocity B. momentum
C. centripetal force D. friction

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  1. Answer:

    Centripetal acceleration


    An object moving around a xirxular path maintains its route as a result of centripetal force. However, its acceleration is caused by centripetal acceleration. Despite centripetal acceleration not being among the choices, it is the right answer.

    Centripetal acceleration helps an object that navigates around a circular path to accelerate while centripetal force enables the movement of an object around a circular path to move inwards. Momentum, given as one of the choices is product of mass and velocity while friction is the force opposing movement of an object around a surface.


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