What value of x makes the equation 3x+7=22 true?

What value of x makes the equation 3x+7=22 true?

0 thoughts on “What value of x makes the equation 3x+7=22 true?”

  1. Answer:

    x = 5

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Subtract 7 from both sides:  3x + 7- 7 = 22 – 7

    Simplify: 3x = 15

    Divide both sides by 3

    Simplify: x = 5

    Hope this helps:)

  2. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given [tex]3x+7=22[/tex], our goal is to isolate [tex]x[/tex] such that will have an equation that tell us [tex]x[/tex] is equal to something.

    Start by subtracting 7 from both sides:


    Divide both sides by 3:


    Therefore, the value of [tex]x=5[/tex] makes the equation [tex]3x+7=22[/tex] true.


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