What is the three-period weighted moving average for july using the weights 0.5 (most recent), 0.3, and 0.2?

What is the three-period weighted moving average for july using the weights 0.5 (most recent), 0.3, and 0.2?

1 thought on “What is the three-period weighted moving average for july using the weights 0.5 (most recent), 0.3, and 0.2?”

  1. The three-period weighted moving average for july is 145.4.

    What is Weighted Moving Average?

    A weighted moving average technique is one of several methods for forecasting a given month’s value or attribute. Other techniques for forecasting from historical data include the evenly weighted moving average method, a regression analysis method, and so on.
    • When evaluating the movable average estimate of such an observation, each observation is usually weighted the same way.
    • In some cases, it is advantageous to assign different weights to the observations so that the observation closest to the forecasted time period has a higher weight.
    • This is known as the weighted moving average method. In such a weighted moving average technique, the sum of the individual weights must equal 1.
    Now, according to the question;
    The weighted moving average strategy forecast for month of July is given by:
    = (Weight for May * Sales for May) + (Weight for April * Sales for April) + (Weight for June * Sales for June)
    = (0.5 * 148) + (0.3 * 142) + (0.2* 144)
    = 145.4
    Therefore, the three-period weighted moving average for july is 145.4.
    To know more about the Weighted Moving Average, here
    The complete question is –
    13. Given the following historical data and weights of .5, .3, and .2, what is the three-period weighted moving average forecast for period 5?
    Period Value
    1 – 138 (march)
    2 – 142 (april)
    3 – 148 (may)
    4 – 144 (june)


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