Today, the population of Canyon Falls is 22{,}50022,50022, comma, 500 and the population of Swift Creek is 15{,}20015,20015, comma, 200. The

Today, the population of Canyon Falls is 22{,}50022,50022, comma, 500 and the population of Swift Creek is 15{,}20015,20015, comma, 200. The population of Canyon Falls is decreasing at the rate of 740740740 people each year while the population of Swift Creek is increasing at the rate of 1{,}5001,5001, comma, 500 people each year. Assuming these rates continue into the future, in how many years from today will the population of Swift Creek equal twice the population of Canyon Falls

0 thoughts on “Today, the population of Canyon Falls is 22{,}50022,50022, comma, 500 and the population of Swift Creek is 15{,}20015,20015, comma, 200. The”

  1. Answer:

    10 years

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Given :

    Population of Canyon falls = 22500

    Rate of decrease = 740 per year

    Population after x years :

    f(x) = 22500 – 740x ; x = number of years

    Population of Swift Creek = 15200

    Rate of Increase = 1500 per year

    Population after x years :

    f(x) = 15200 + 1500x ; x = number of years

    Number of years when, population of swift creek will be twice that of Canyon falls

    15200 + 1500x = 2(22500 – 740x)

    15200 + 1500x = 45000 – 1480x

    15200 – 45000 = – 1480x – 1500x

    -29800 = – 2980x

    x = 29800 / 2980

    x = 10

    After 10 years


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